Vertical garden service

Caring for the green wall is a fundamental and essential task. If a vertical garden is not taken care of, it may deteriorate due to neglect. Therefore, we present the most important service activities and facilitate their execution through instructional videos.

Cleaning a vertical garden

1. Cleaning the garden from plant residues

Cleaning plant residues from the green wall involves removing dead and dry leaves. This task should be performed as frequently as possible, ideally at least once a month.

2. Cleaning plants from dust

Cleaning plants from dust involves wiping it off the surface of the leaves. This task can be quickly performed using a fertilizer cloud and a plant gloss. By applying these substances, the dust will naturally wash off the leaves. The plants will be clean and shiny. We recommend performing this task once a month, although more frequent cleaning may be necessary at times.

3. Cleaning the gutter

Plants in a vertical garden grow both upwards and downwards. Leaves, stems, and roots all contribute to their growth. Over time, it’s possible for the plants to overgrow the collection gutter. This can lead to the drainage being blocked, which in turn may result in flooding. We recommend manually checking the state of the collection gutter at least every 3 months. If necessary, clean the drainage and remove any roots.

4. Cleaning and checking the pump

During the cleaning of the water tank, it’s important to clean the pump and check if it’s functioning properly. If there’s a suspicion that the pump is not working, it should be inspected. If it turns out that it’s indeed not working, it needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

5. Cleaning the felt

During watering, the felt acts as a filter. Water flowing through the felt may contain substances that, under unfavorable conditions such as high humidity, lack of air movement, or poor lighting, can deposit on the felt, creating a white deposit. It is not mold, and it is not harmful. It only affects aesthetics and requires cleaning. To get rid of it, simply wipe it with a damp sponge. After cleaning, ensure proper ventilation of the room.

It is also recommended to refresh the surface of the panels after replacing plants. This can be done using a damp sponge with a small addition of dish soap.

6. Cleaning the tank

In the case of a closed system, the tank should be cleaned at least once every 3 months. If it gets dirty in the meantime, it should be cleaned earlier. Deposits or impurities can lead to clogging of the drip emitters and a change in the water’s pH.

Other maintenance activities

Pruning Plants

It is important to become familiar with the plants that populate the green wall and trim them according to the principles of garden art. It’s crucial to prune the plants in a way that prevents them from overshadowing each other over time. If a plant becomes overgrown by its neighbor, it will lose access to light, leading to its decline.

Pruning plants should be done regularly, at least once a month.

Replacement of Drip Emitters

In the garden, pressure-compensating drip emitters have been used. For a garden with an open water circuit, they should be replaced at least once every 12 months. In the case of a closed circuit, this period is every 6 months. It is important to regularly check the proper functioning of the irrigation system.

Plant replacement

The plant replacement is easy and takes a few minutes. Take out the plant you want to replace from the pocket and untangle the root ball. After purchasing a new plant, remove it from the pot, shake off excess soil, and using the recovered root ball, wrap it as shown in the video. Plant the prepared plant in the garden.

Additional Maintenance Tasks

Adjustment of Lighting

The vertical garden requires adjusting the lighting duration settings. Throughout the year, the level of natural light changes.

It may happen that the vertical garden will require adjustments to the lighting duration. Natural lighting in indoor spaces changes throughout the year. In summer, there is more light than in winter. During the summer, it may be sufficient to rely on natural light and turn off the artificial lighting. However, it’s important to remember to turn it back on in the winter months.

If you observe that your plants are growing too slowly, consider increasing the lighting duration. If they are growing too quickly, reduce the lighting. The basic lighting duration for plants ranges from 3 to 12 hours per day. For more information on this topic, please refer to the page on illuminating the vertical garden.

Adjusting Irrigation Time

The conditions indoors change throughout the year, including temperature, humidity, and lighting. In the autumn, when we start heating our homes, the environment of the vertical garden often changes as well. This can lead to faster water evaporation from plants, resulting in dehydration. The opposite situation may occur in the spring months. After reviewing the irrigation controller manual, adjust the watering to the current conditions. During the season, there may also be situations that require adjusting the irrigation time. It’s important to regularly monitor the soil moisture in the plants. Learn more on the page about watering plants on the green wall.

Fertilizing Plants

For the proper growth of the green wall, in addition to water and light, regularly supplied fertilizers containing nutrients are needed. During the preparation of plants for the root ball, slow-release fertilizers are added. They break down around the plant over approximately 12 months. After this period, regular fertilization of plants should begin. It can be done foliarly or using an installed dispenser. It is important to regularly fertilize plants in the summer months. Use water-soluble fertilizers for foliar feeding. Vertical gardens thrive with fertilizers with a high balanced level (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium).

Refilling Water in the Tank (Closed Circuit)

At least once a week, it is necessary to refill the water tank to its full capacity. Sometimes more frequent refilling may be needed. This ensures watering plants, their development, and prevents pump damage.

Service Questions

How long does a green wall live?

Well-cared-for potted plants can survive in homes for many years. A properly maintained vertical garden will gain longevity similar to potted plants.

Will a vertical garden survive without maintenance?

A vertical garden is not likely to survive for long without maintenance. Infrequent plant care may necessitate plant replacement, which could be required as soon as 3-4 years. However, if the garden is adequately illuminated, has constant access to water, and is regularly serviced, it can thrive for many years. If plants have favorable conditions, they grow quickly. It’s important to regularly prune them as they may overshadow each other and wither.

How long does the wall maintenance last?

Regularly performed maintenance is not demanding and doesn’t take long. To keep it that way, it should be done on a regular basis. The regularity determines the quality of the service and the amount of work that needs to be put into it. The service of small, well-maintained walls (2-8m2) can be completed in a matter of minutes. The larger the wall, the more time is needed for its maintenance. Servicing tall gardens often takes the longest, mainly due to the need to set up scaffolding.

How often should the maintenance of the green wall be performed?

The green wall should be regularly serviced. It is recommended to perform it at least once a month. If any tasks are noticed, they should be completed earlier.

Can the maintenance of the green wall be done by oneself?

Yes, it is possible to maintain a vertical garden on your own. With proper training, anyone can take care of a green wall. It is an easy task. It’s important to familiarize oneself with the preferences of the plants used on the wall. Ensuring the regularity of maintenance is the key to the garden’s longevity and its good appearance.

When should one start taking care of the green wall?

The maintenance of the vertical garden should be carried out already after the first month of its existence. Plant species, after being planted on the wall, undergo a slight stress and need about a month to adapt to the new conditions. In the initial phase, plant leaves may turn yellow and wither, and some stems may become limp. It rarely happens that a plant falls out of the garden.

After the adaptation period, maintenance will become less demanding, and it should be sufficient to perform it once a month.

What to pay attention to during the maintenance of the green wall?

The key to a well-maintained garden is the regularity of maintenance.

What activities should be performed during the maintenance of a garden with an open-loop system?
What activities should be performed during the maintenance of a garden with a closed-loop system?